Do y'all remember that line from Pretty Woman? That was one of my absolute favorite movies. To be down and out, struggling to make ends meet and Mr. Charming saves you. Sounds like a dream to me.
It's funny how your dream changes as you get older. My dream in my 20's was a beautiful family and a nice house. I got the beautiful family and bought a row home in a small town in Pennsylvania. Then my dream changed.....
I want a bigger family, a bigger house, a bigger paycheck. One thing that I realized when I lost my real estate job in 2008 was, what is my dream really? At that point, I wanted to be a teacher. Threw myself into college and got the degree. The job... well, the goal post was moved. Teaching jobs were scarce and you had to know someone to get a job.
Most of my college classmates are not in our dream profession. Some have become Real Estate agents, some are entrepreneurs. What am I doing? Back in real estate. All that time, money and degree, and I'm right back where I started.
I have the house, I have the family, I have a good paying job. So, why do I find myself at times incredibly unhappy? The dream changes. It's inevitable. Now, I know, there are some out there that are living their dream and they will say otherwise, and to those I say, good for you! I'm genuinely happy for you.
For most, I'm saying this, you are not alone. So, when it's quiet and I realize that the dream I wanted so bad has changed, I remember... I have it. I have a gorgeous family that I adore. I have two of my absolute favorite dogs that I never thought I could afford. I have an in ground pool in my freaking yard. Did I mention that it was a dream of mine?
I guess what I am getting at is this. Write a gratitude list when it all seems like too much. When the plumbing breaks..... AGAIN... remember that you have indoor plumbing. When the tree falls on the garage, remember, you have a garage. One of the best things I heard was at an AA meeting by a good friend of mine. Someone I thought hated me. I was complaining about my roof leaking and he looked me square in the face and said, "Oh shit, you have a roof!!!!"
It's all perspective. Someone out there is dreaming about your reality and wishing it was theirs. Be thankful for what we have, even when it feels like too much. Now, off to work....